How to always “Know the Will of God”
The Bible in several places mentions the “Will of God” and by careful study, it is clearly evident that God has a will or direction for every imaginable situation that arises in our lives. For some situations, the Will of God is easily known, for instance, we know it is the will of God that all men everywhere should be saved. (Romans 10:14) Yet, because the Bible is written to all men of all ages, God’s will, in some situations, cannot be clearly discerned by scripture. Thankfully, God has not left His children bereft of answers-He has given several verses which will help in knowing His will and by diligent prayer and careful study a person can truly completely know the will of God. A sincere mindset toward the following will help: - Obey what you already know to be God’s Will. Many people seem to want to know what God’s plan is for their lives, but they overlook the fact that 98% of His will is already delineated carefully through His Word. God is very clear about many, many aspects of His will. For instance, it is clearly His plan that we abstain from sexual immorality (1 Thessalonians 4:3) or that all come to know Him in Salvation. (Romans 10:14) If we do not obey the things that God has shown us clearly to be His will, why would we think He would reveal any further information regarding His plan for our lives? Obedience is an important first step. - Sincerely, honestly, pray for God to reveal His will for this particular situation. Without this type of prayer, we will be led by our own conscience, which may or may not be the will of God. - Seek biblical advise from godly counselors. If you don’t currently have 3-4 godly mentors, then I would highly recommend that you seek them out right away. Understand that you are basically a composite of the five people you spend the most time with. So, then, it is vital that you choose those five people well. If you choose to surround yourself with godly counselors, they will be instrumental in helping you discern God’s plan for your life. But if you surround yourself with people who are far from God, your hope of finding His best for your life will be greatly diminished. Proverbs 11:14 "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety." The church is designed to help you greatly with this. I would encourage you to be in church every single time the doors are opened. The more you involve yourself with a community of believers, the greater your chances will be of finding godly men and women who can help you discern God’s will. - Answer the following questions as you meditate upon the scriptures.
- Again-sincerely, honestly, fervently pray about it. God’s word promises that He will answer. There is an additional very important step in “Knowing the Will of God”. Hebrews 10:36 states, “…that after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise”. - Once you know God’s will, are you willing to follow it? This is an all-important step, It is our responsibility to humbly follow the will of God once we know it. Be assured, if we are not willing to follow His will-God will never reveal His will. Dr. Bob Jones Sr. always quoted, “Do right though the stars fall.”
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AuthorPastor Rudy Oakes Archives
July 2020
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